I'm someone that doesn't take himself all that seriously.....
To keep this brief; I am a husband and father of 2 kids. My full time job is in insurance. I also own a small event management company that specializes in fitness events catered towards the local CrossFit community. Photography is something that I didn't go into with a "plan". Truth be told, I still have a hard time using the word "photographer" in reference to me. I bought my first camera 5 years for two reasons. 1. My wife was pregnant with our daughter and I really wanted to be able to take pictures of her. 2. My event company couldn't afford to hire photographers for our events, so I figured I'd better learn how to do it myself.
Photography for me has been like falling down the rabbit hole. I have stepped up the camera equipment multiple times over. The hours I've spent watching youtube tutorial videos is too high to count. I've been lucky enough to have people in my life FAR more skilled than I am that were willing to put up with my questions. My kids are always providing me with great subject matter to practice on. And, most importantly, I have a wife that is extremely understanding of my time spent either off shooting or being stuck behind the computer editing.
If you are interested in working with me I am open to hear about what you are looking for.
This shot was a test shot when I was setting up my lights. My daughter Maddy actually pressed the shutter release.